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One Translucent Chinese Lantern by Andrew Leach (AA Grade) HONOUR
We wont go back by Malcolm Wade (A Grade) HONOUR
Dew droplets near the forest floor by Andrew Leach (AA Grade) HONOUR
Gazing by Jutta Clough(A Grade) HONOUR
Cutting the Wax by Barb Roberts (AB Grade) HONOUR
Patterns in nature by Maggie Morris (AB-PLUS Grade) HONOUR
Antibes after Sunset by Karoly Nemeskeri (A Grade) HONOUR
Bottle brush impression by Maggie Morris (AB-PLUS Grade) HONOUR
Soaring Above THE STARs by Kylie de Souza (AB-PLUS Grade) HONOUR
Shibuya Crossing by Carolyn Lloyd (AA Grade) MERIT
Catch me if you can by Malcolm Wade (A Grade) MERIT
Stormy by Tony Stretch (AB-PLUS Grade) MERIT
Simply weeds by Judith Bear (AB Grade) MERIT
Fire Cauldron by Jutta Clough (A Grade) MERIT
Your worst nightmare by Stuart Campbell (A Grade) MERIT
I See You by Peter Caine (A Grade)
Camels at Sunrise by Madhuri Reddy (AB Grade)
Groovy Couple by Harry Posadas (AB-PLUS Grade)
Wrecked by Tony Stretch (AB-PLUS Grade)
Osaka castle by Ruth Hardy (AB-PLUS Grade)
Camel ride by Karoly Nemeskeri (A Grade)
The Kimberley coast by Rick Wong (A Grade)
The Spiral by Robyn Wylie (A Grade)
Need for Speed by Jane Benger (AB Grade)
Underneath the Arches by Harry Posadas (AB-PLUS Grade)
Spotted at the Marbles by Jenny Newby (AA Grade)
Cartagena Ruins by Harry Posadas (AB-PLUS Grade)
The awkward door by Robyn Wylie (A Grade)
SEEN BETTER DAYS by Ray Richards (AB-PLUS Grade)
Cable Beach Camel Ride by Rick Wong (A Grade)
Not Happy Jan by Michael Ashley (A Grade)
Reflecting on urban giants by Andrew Leach (AA Grade)
I'm bored by Mon Gan (AA Grade)
Flight Lines by Charlize Leonard (AB Grade)
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