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Woman of Mystery by Ken Sparrow (A Grade) HONOUR
Bellagio Street Scene by Jan Brabazon (A Grade) HONOUR
Pelican On Guard by Robert Moore (AB Grade) HONOUR
Bird on a Stick by Rhonda Ramadge (A Grade) MERIT
Birds in Flight by Terry Robinson (A Grade) MERIT
Butter churner by Ken Lankard (A Grade) MERIT
By The Silvery Moon by Trish Rennie (A Grade) MERIT
Lake Hanton NZ by Ross Spencer (A Grade) MERIT
Lemaire Channel Antarctica by Ross Spencer (A Grade) MERIT
Pop Art Park Bench by Maggie Morris (A Grade) MERIT
Satin Bowerbird by Ross Spencer (A Grade) MERIT
The Jetty by Cheryl Bronson (A Grade) MERIT
A short nap by Rick Wong (AB Grade) MERIT
Buster at the Beach by Jan Rodgers (AB Grade) MERIT
Ekka Clowns by Angela McKillop-Davies (AB Grade) MERIT
New Golf Socks by Robert Shepherd (AB Grade) MERIT
Rock fisherman by Merv McSwain (AB Grade) MERIT
Tables for Two by Harry Posadas (B Grade) MERIT
Beauty in Norfolk by Jenny Newby (A Grade)
Best Mates by Neil Brink (A Grade)
Bird of Paradise by Janice Sugden (A Grade)
Bound for Servitude by Andrew Swinfield (A Grade)
Bowl by Terry Robinson (A Grade)
Bubbles by Julie Blamire (A Grade)
Catch some hang time by Greg McMillan (A Grade)
Emily by Julie Blamire (A Grade)
Fishing in the Surf by David Scott (A Grade)
Forlorn by Bronwen Stewart (A Grade)
Heron Preening by Rhonda Ramadge (A Grade)
Legs on the Crossing by Liz Vansleve (A Grade)
Let sleeping ducks lie by Bronwen Stewart (A Grade)
National Monument of Scotland by Marisa Liberato (A Grade)
Paradise Floating by Liz Vansleve (A Grade)
Reaching for the sky by Ken Sparrow (A Grade)
Rocks by Glenda Robinson (A Grade)
Roller Coaster 2 by Jutta Clough (A Grade)
Scary by Glenda Robinson (A Grade)
Shadow and light by Maggie Morris (A Grade)
Stylish Descent by Trish Rennie (A Grade)
Sunset Silhouettes by Janice Sugden (A Grade)
The Lighthorseman by Ray Richards (A Grade)
The One That Got Away by Tracey Harrison-Hill (A Grade)
White on Black, Black on White by Marisa Liberato (A Grade)
Zebra by Karoly Nemeskeri (A Grade)
Coolangatta Gold by Jo Gordon (AB Grade)
Ferris Wheel by Anthony Coleiro (AB Grade)
Floodlit Jetty by Judith Bear (AB Grade)
Follow the Sun by Melissa Arentsen (AB Grade)
Half & Half by Terry Moore (AB Grade)
Hamilton Island – Catseye Beach by Ruth Hardy (AB Grade)
Leader of the Band by Angela McKillop-Davies (AB Grade)
Let there be light by Merv McSwain (AB Grade)
Natural Arch by Judith Bear (AB Grade)
Road to Nowhere by Jo Gordon (AB Grade)
Stepping out by Valmae Ypinazar (AB Grade)
The Beach by Malcolm Wade (AB Grade)
The Beach Runner by Malcolm Wade (AB Grade)
The Rose by Ruth Hardy (AB Grade)
The Sunflower by Melissa Arentsen (AB Grade)
The Surfers by Malcolm Wade (AB Grade)
Time for a coffee Break by Stuart Campbell (AB Grade)
Wheel of fun by Rick Wong (AB Grade)
Fan Dancer by Harry Posadas (B Grade)
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